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How to Create an Easy Photo Slide Show

by | Sep 2, 2022

Photo Slide Show

With the advent of smartphones, taking pictures has never been easier. This means it’s easy to stock up on hundreds of photos with each vacation, family event, and special occasion. Organizing these memories can be a challenge, which is why many people turn to the convenience of a photo slideshow for display purposes. While there are several methods of compiling and showcasing your pictures, PowerPoint has proven to be the most intuitive and popular program. Read on to learn about how to use it to create an easy photo slide show.

Create a new Presentation

Open PowerPoint by clicking on the icon and click the “File” tab at the top left corner of the program. Then click the “New Presentation” option in the drag-down menu. Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation.

Save and Name the Project

Avoid losing your work by saving your project at the beginning. Click the flash drive option at the top right of your screen to save your project. Now just name the file and hit “Save.”

Name the Title Page

After choosing a name, click in the box and enter it. There’s also an option to add a picture to the title page.

Add Slides

Click on “Insert” and select “New Slide” in the drop-down menu or right click and select from there. Then choose a layout and decide on graphics.

Import Pictures

Upload and insert your pictures into the pages of your slides. There is a slide sorter that can help you land on an ideal order.

The Fun Stuff

Click on the “Transitions” tab at the top of the menu bar to help the show’s slides progress more seamlessly. To add color, you can change the background by right clicking a slide and selecting “Format Background.” There are several options for color and you can change every slide to the same shade by simply clicking “Apply to All.” There’s even a music option! Add music to your slide show by using the music clip feature and uploading music saved to your computer.


Once you’re finished uploading and customizing your slide show, click the flash drive icon at the top left corner again to ensure that your work is saved.

Need Help Creating an Easy Photo Slide Show?

At Disc Hounds, we know the ins and outs of organizing pictures to show off memories in their best light. Give us a call and we’ll happily help.