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DVD Versus USB Video Files: What Do You Gain or Lose?

by | Jan 25, 2018

DVD Versus USB Video Files: What Do You Gain or Lose?

Saving video files often comes down to a battle of the devices. In one corner, you have a pack of writable DVDs and in the other corner is a USB flash drive. Which do you choose to store your precious footage? In the case of saving video files to DVD versus USB, there’s advantages and disadvantages for each side. Find out the best choice for your needs.

The Case for DVDs

Standard DVDs can hold up to 4.4GB of actual data, Dual-Layer DVDs hold up to 7.95GB.  DVDs require a DVD player for play back. This is one piece of equipment many people still have in their homes. Play back is pretty straight forward. Simply pop the DVD into a player or computer drive, wait for the menu to appear, and then hit play to watch the video. Some DVDs are rewritable, meaning you can use it like a flash drive and continue to save files until you’ve reached capacity.

Unfortunately, there are drawbacks to these disks. DVDs must be created (authored) in a specific format to play back in the DVD player. These files can’t be edited after the DVD is written. DVDs could be easily damaged if not stored in protective cases and kept in the proper environment. And, as digital technology advances, DVD players will become harder to find.

The Case for USB Drives

Small and easy to transport, USB drives are also known as a thumb or jump drives. They fit easily in a pocket and often attach to keychains. They can hold up to 256GB of data on a single drive and you can continue to store files until the drive is full. As for image and sound quality, that generally depends on the quality (size) of the files. You can play digital files from a USB flash drive directly on a smart TV and your computer.

That said, you need a USB connection to upload, download, and play back videos. The appropriate media player or program must be installed on the device in order to play back.

In Summary: DVD Versus USB Video Files

When choosing a method of saving video files, think about how much footage you have to store, the quality and file size, and how you want to play the videos in the future. Both DVDs and USB flash drives are great for storing data. It just comes down to the quality of the files and where you want to play them back to help make the decision on which device to choose.

Call Disc Hounds at 610-696-8668 with any questions about DVDs versus USB video files. For almost 20 years, we’ve been successfully duplicating content on CDs, DVDs, and USB flash drives with quick turnaround times, high-quality results, and excellent service.